Reverberations, 2013 Images are



images are but
borrowing from reality
which needs to express
inner pulsions

words are but knitting
of thoughts not
yet fully born
savory ephemeral


stepping stones
are my favorite
to advance
from the inside out
to a nicer view

from the outside in
for a more intimate look
as long as
even silence
is a traveling motion




4 responses »

  1. Your poem reminds me of many theological thoughts, especially this quote: “Silence is a mystery of the future age, words are mere implements of this world.” ~ St. Isaac of Syria


  2. Absolutely brilliant! I’m not sure “pulsions” as actually a word but it works perfectly in this context. I keep saying this about most of Anna’s poems, but this is one of my favorites.


    • LOL Tracy thank you for your feed back and for appreciating my work! It is true that being bilingual and an artist I quite often invent new words and use them not only in my speaking but in writing too, yet this one does exist! 😛

      Here you go: pulsion /pul·sion/ (pul´shun) a pushing forward or outward. pul·sion (p l sh n). n. A swelling or pushing outward. pulsion [pul´shun]. a pushing outward.



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