California Notebooks, 2014


allow me to dive
beneath the surface
of things told once

into a stream of
into a sea of muffled

noises moving
slowly within a
smile performed

with my eyes as
you watch me
desiring sleep



2013-11-21 16.31.45.





About anna mosca

Artist, poet, photographer, reader, lover, walker, traveler. Feeling in wilderness. Been writing lots of poetry, taking less pictures, teaching a whole lot, traveling less than usual, loving more than allowed, riding public city bikes and not planes, puzzled over paintings. Beside all those forms I am.

14 responses »

  1. Pingback: Quaderni Californiani – Incoscienza | annamosca

    • Thank your for commenting and for your appreciation Parmis! This one was written in English first and later it was translated into Italian. Next Friday I will do the same with another poem from California Notebook and in February, if you keep an eye on my blog, there should be some posts with the EN/ITA written versions and the AUDIO to it! Hope to get some feedback from you on those as well. 🙂

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