

I could just imagine
the stars heaped up
behind the full moon

I could see them
scattered a geography
of the desert sky

some move my eyes
as across a landscape
an imagined horizon



About anna mosca

Artist, poet, photographer, reader, lover, walker, traveler. Feeling in wilderness. Been writing lots of poetry, taking less pictures, teaching a whole lot, traveling less than usual, loving more than allowed, riding public city bikes and not planes, puzzled over paintings. Beside all those forms I am.

6 responses »

    • Thank you Sumita Tah, you won’t believe it but that, in the picture, is a huge shell 🐚 from hawaii 🌺 I just got in the snail mail, sent to me by a friend. It’s as large as my face!

      I was in awe, it reminded me the full moon last night and this poem I wrote about the moon and so I decided to go for this post today!

      I hope you liked the video poetry too, last week…

      Liked by 1 person

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