Tag Archives: walking

Keep On Walking


our venturesome
walks are the cause
me I can’t stay
put too long


walking life barefoot
doesn’t scare me


it was probably
because grandpa


explained everything
to me then – I got it


the habit of asking why
exacting answers


even when
the questions
are larger than I
I keep on walking



This poem is part of the collection California Notebooks 02, I published in 2016 on sale now for the Holiday Season. Check it out!

Love is Reverence



I have worn shoes
covered with trails
dust sticking loud

louder than my long
path of silence I
have asked to see

the way I could tread
barefoot as in a dream
where roads aren’t

hard where people
say without speaking
love is reverence






Places From The California Notebooks 2015



poems come
as I walk

movement inspires
just as mental stillness

more that gut
wrenching rejection

poems come
as I walk and I do

not stop ever
pad out and up as

a mirror to my face
I write looking inside

I well know the path
outside trampled on

it so very often
it may look crazy

it may look maniac
it’s poetry flowing

breath keeping me



Desert Steps hipstamatic




California Notebooks, 2014



it is so
that every morning
I go about pressing the foot
on the same path that’s how

habits are formed good ones
I’ve learned in between

steps to make treasure of
observation new revelations
as they come blossoms
in presence


. . 2014-04-09 11.59.42

