Tag Archives: short stories

A Writer’s Staccato



she had wished she could go back to the places

where she spent the night while dreaming.


she got up to drink lots of water and opened the curtains.

later she was sitting outdoors


writing, after she had read from her fourth book

that morning, that’s what she considers a lucky day.


enough peace and time to sip nectar

from the books lined up for her.


she was staring at her left thumb nail.

a bit uneven as always. wondering how


and passing her middle finger back and forth on it.

lots of ideas to put down on paper.


she sniffed the air and opened a bit her mouth

while curling up the tip of the nose


to trap the scents in.

she had learned that from cats.


her friend was laying on his side

relaxing in the sun slightly breathing.


crises passed now. he really didn’t like her

gardening attempt and her watering all around.



it looked as total relaxation. yet both had attentive

ears to the sounds around. nature yes


and someone adding sounds of car doors

slammed back and forth and motors.


starting to pull them away. to their own homes

after they had bought some groceries nearby.


she glanced at her nail once again. worried.

if she’d got up again she may lose concentration.


he could have gotten nervous by her restlessness

in spite of the beautiful day. humans.


he may lose his patience. as if

reading her mind he got up


to lay a bit further away to leave

her space. or to spy her better


from under his lowered eyelids.

she was very good at making


excuses to herself quite often.

her full potential scared her.


so she used to heed to emotions.

to create pitfalls. that’s it.


she started her first line. this time

inspiring the lemons’ scents in.


lulled by the birds singing through the air.

no one needed to read it anyway.


later she would go wash her car with her own

hands and file straight that nail.



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This piece, originally published in 2013 under the name of “Ray’s Day”, is dedicated to Raymond Carver.


Storie in 100 Parole – 100 Words Stories – Ottantanove piani


– English translation below the picture –

La caduta delle Torri Gemelle, 11 settembre 2001. Una disgrazia che ha segnato i cuori. Ogni dettaglio vivido ancora nella memoria. Dedicata alle vittime dell’attentato e ai Vigili del Fuoco che quel giorno persero la vita nell’operazione di salvataggio di alcuni civili. Che riuscirono a mettersi in salvo.

Nel 2013 Giulio Perrone editore la seleziona e pubblica per un concorso di brevi racconti. E’ pubblicata nell’antologia Storie in 100 parole nella collana L’Erudita.

ISBN 978-88-6770-063-9

Ottantanove piani
Anna Mosca

Ottantanove piani non fanno un concerto, ma una tragedia silenziosa.
In tre salgono controsenso verso una manciata di condannati, la porta è bloccata.
Un buco poi un pugno passa il muro, due visi appoggiati a una parete si ascoltano respirare.
L’ultimo del piano racconta, l’incendio infuria contro il cielo, e loro trecento metri per raggiungere terra, duemila scalini lenti e calmi contro il terrore. Quanti pensieri silenziosi, prepotenti tra un passo e l’altro, lacrime implose, disperatamente forti.
Fuori cenere, brandelli e corpi varcano l’aria, scomposti tetri fuochi d’artificio, causa del silenzio più abbagliante. Il terrore, mi hanno raccontato, è bianco.



Cover Storie in 100 parole Perrone




9-11, September 2001. The fall of the Twin Towers. A tragedy that shattered our hearts. Every detail is still sharp. This short story is dedicated to all the victims of the terrorist attack and, mostly, to the firemen that lost their life while trying to help some civilians. Who made it.

In the year 2013 it is selected by Giulio Perrone Publishing for their Short Stories Competition. It is published and can be read (in italian) in the volume Storie In 100 Parole (100 Words Stories) for L’Erudita.

ISBN 978-88-6770-063-9

Fiabe in 100 parole – 100 Words Fairy Tales


– Post in Italian and in English –

Le fiabe sono magiche, oggi come allora. Giulio Perrone editore indice un concorso per fiabe lunghe solo 100 parole. La mia viene accettata e pubblicata nella collana L’Erudita.

Eccola qua, tratta da Fiabe in 100 parole:


di Anna Mosca

In una piccola torre sul mare viveva una bambina vestita d’azzurro. Aveva un piccolo balcone e tante piantine da accudire. Quando usciva sotto al sole si versava sulle piante e sembrava di cielo tanto era leggera e felice. Ma quando la notte scendeva si nascondeva e a volte diventava molto triste. Dimenticava che aveva un letto caldo, un gattino nero, un buon libro e la luce delle stelle tra le lacrime. Solo quando aveva un cuore grato dormiva bene. Allora sul cuscino i suoi capelli d’oro sembravano corona e volava dentro e fuori i sogni, portando nelle braccia infiniti colori.


ISBN 978-88-6770-069-1


2014-05-12 23.31.17


Fairy tales are magic, today as it was before. Giulio Perrone Publishing announces, a few months ago, a competition to write fairy tales only 100 words long. Mine is accepted and published. The book is only in Italian but as the fairy tale is almost a poem I decided to translated here for those who will be interested in it:

by Anna Mosca

Once upon a time, a girl perpetually clothed in a beautiful shadow of blue, lived in a tower, right by the sea. She had a small balcony filled with potted plants to care for. When she poured herself out to them, under the sunshine, she seemed to be part of the sky, light and happy. But, when night came, she hid away, sometimes feeling really sad. She was forgetful about her warm bed, her black kitten, her books and the light of the star shining among her tears. Only when she had a grateful heart did she have a good night sleep. Then, her golden hair on the pillow looked like a crown and she was flying, in and out of many dreams, carrying in her arms infinite colors.




California Notebooks, September 2013



where I’m writing from

is 4.30 in the afternoon


106F in the shade I inhale hot air

breathing now with relief


I felt worse in latter days

I do not feel the cramps of distance


listening with the greatest care to the smallest finch

right after letting out a clear thanksgiving


me by myself from inside myself

stretched out happy I fly


butterflies here are saffron

many and always new


today I can hear the wind

moving among the palms


the highest daylight stars


where not even the mountain reaches

old wrinkled giant laying down

tired under the hard wearing sun

looking as if crumbling


sunset highlighting the folds

sweating pure spirit nothing else


awe inspiring while putting thing in their right place

I do not wish to be somewhere else


