Tag Archives: travel

Eternity Roams


eternity roams
inside me I can’t
help but travel

forever wondering
the mind and space
on earth as in dreams

seeking some order
chasing the waters
harmony to fill me

deep from the inside
to make me a lake
alas at home




This poem is part of the bilingual poetry collection California Notebooks 01  on sale on Amazon. If you wish you can read the Italian version on the post previous to this one titled Armonia.

Behind The Full Moon


I could just imagine
the stars heaped up
behind the full moon

I could see them
scattered a geography
of the desert sky

some move my eyes
as across a landscape
an imagined horizon




Anna Mosca dancing in daylight at La Quinta Desert, Coachella Valley, CA



This poem is part of the published bilingual collection California Notebooks 02. The Italian version of it was just published on this blog last Sunday 19 May 2019.




Split In Two



I’m split in two

by the desire to
sit and meditate

and travel madly
to new landscapes

travel nonetheless

new either way
yet the excitement

of moving on the territory
yet the serenity

of exploring the nearby









This poem is part of the collection California Notebooks 02 




A River Pouring


a river pouring
you are not rushing

to me poetry flows
out is hard to contain

I’ve no hands for that use
I’ve new eyes to embrace

strong legs clasped around
it’s an odd place wonderful

to be tell me what is
new today with you





This poem is part of the collection California Notebooks



October Sundays are dedicated to Italian Poetry.


esclamare i propri
sentimenti quando
i giorni si confondono

come gli amanti sognati
come i passi contati
fosse una questione

di singolo o plurale
fosse solo la vocale

una sillabazione invece
una ricerca d’accento
sulle giornate meste





Tuesday Poems will be in English as usual.

Sì, la domenica le poesie saranno in italiano!


The Beauty We Hold



it’s the beauty we hold
and carelessly wear around
what we’ll be missing more

I’ve been that route

bumps holes and crevices
known to me if you’ll let me
stop the nonsense and hold
dear what we have



2015-04-03 08.12.58


This poem is part of the collection California Notebooks









October Sundays are dedicated to Italian Poetry.


posso risalire
senza scivolare

con la poesia
non è ansia ma
parola attenta

precisa nel suono
e nello spazio
mi ferma una mano




Tuesday Poems will be in English as usual.

Sì, la domenica le poesie saranno in italiano!




if you do respond

to light innuendos
if you do understand
the spaces within

and the white around
if you say a lot with
your silences then

poetry is light and
simplicity – it’s a gentle
laugh at the scoffing

of the learned – it’s
what lifts you up –
not what shows off






Senza tempo


October Sundays are dedicated to Italian Poetry.


essere senza tempo
così mi sento

impazzisco dentro
i legami forti
di accordi non miei

necessari dicono
perché ci si incontri
perché accada qualcosa

vorrei tornare al tutto
compreso dentro me
vorrei avere il nulla

come ricchezza
conoscere davvero
prima del tic e dopo

il tac noi si girava
comunque intorno
al sole noi si parlava

anche con Dio



2013-10-22 17.50.42



Tuesday Poems will be in English as usual.

Sì, la domenica le poesie saranno in italiano!


California Notebooks – Trust


driving in the dark

surrounded by fog

better use trust
the season has come

plowing the clouds

to unveil the land
suspended in

to everlasting




Perhaps From The California Notebooks 02



perhaps I live eternally
beyond the world’s borders
without realizing

those limits useless talks
and mean chit-chats
laid out as spider webs

perhaps I fly protected

in the blinding light
and at night I cry
cause I did not grasp it






This poem is part of the newly published collection California Notebooks 02



Light From The California Notebooks 02



approaching the day
with dancing

to linger in god’s

that stays with me
at night
and in my slumber





2014-11-13 16.51.33


This poem is part of the newly published collection California Notebooks 02



California Notebooks – Freedom


I realize we
do not need more
cosmic abstractions

nor painful flights
to the Himalayas tip
for the misty fog

that sometimes
surrounds us in
a cage of boredom

to wane at the sound
of us being liberated
as we simply focus

on what we know
now that we didn’t
know last week








Measures from The London Hours



something to do with measures
to others the length
of my despair whether is
it by nature, mine
or a not understanding of facts

of the jokes
among men, their secret bets
their sudden shoulders

and all was lived
and built, all that had an essence

to dust them off
to cough them up
it’s all forgotten
at once.

I don’t seem
to understand other’s
measures, the sense of
their steps, it’s long
far from me.



IMG_3776 copy


From the collection of The London Hours, 2012.



Joyful Exile from The London Hours


routine is good
a shelter to my heart

a time of secret

went to swim in the morning
new beauty welcomed me

piercing the sound

large the company
joyful exile


IMG_4019 copy


From the collection The London Hours, 2012.


Un volo oltre



nostalgia dei primi
odori americani
di teli bianchi perfetti
mossi da un lieve vento
noi a ridere nudi
a raccontarci la vita
appena iniziata
insieme, non sapevamo quanto




2013-04-14 12.34.21


Un volo oltre, Luglio 2013.



Running Uphill from The London Hours


I will close this page
and put it away

I will have a look
at such light

I will stand eventually

get up and displace
myself in a busy store
drunk in sounds and souls

I will pick you up
later when this
wind ceases

one more time
running uphill




From the collection “The London Hours”, 2012.
