Tag Archives: contemporary poetry

Beauty Lingering



it’s an afterward


this of giving poetry
a way


to talk about the beauty


sensitivity shining


in our darker days


when we
think there’s little


to be seen



This poem is part of the collection California Notebooks 02, on sale now for the Holiday Season. Check it out


Stand Always



stand always
at the beginning of things


keep that attitude
as your compass in life


you are never at the
end it will never be


the end of the world
but always for us


the beginning
of anything new



This poem is in the first volume of “California Notebooks”.

To get your own copy click here


The Sun – California Notebooks 02



it seems some days
that the sun moves
at a faster speed


it raises for a kiss
as I get a cup of coffee
and let the cat out


I see them playing
together in the shiny
grass birds may


join too as I give
shape to new poetry
typing away


suddenly it taps
on the backyard for
a sad goodbye


as I sit speechless


My book California Notebook 02 is on a promo sale on Amazon with a huge discount if you click on this link:

California Notebooks 02 (Bilingual Edition: English and Italian) https://amzn.eu/d/4Q2sSdH

Black Rim



I walk around my

small land where trees

abound and I have

a restlessness this year

I never had as if

my garden and I have lost



but I attend the land a lot


I sit waiting as at

the bed of a sick child to

whom nobody hands

water exhausted

I tighten my hands one

with the other in

silent pain I look down


to the aging skin

to the black rim under

my nails its dirt

sticking to me my garden’s

way to hold onto me



I Notice


I notice the silence


not anymore the chirping
or the chatter of the wind


I notice the hummingbird
trying stillness by furious


flapping I stop engaging
myself I let go of my eyes


frantic grasping of letters
on a page putting the book


down where it was letting
my head as beheaded


falling too



Poem from the bilingual book California Notebook available for you also online.

The Songs Of Butterflies


it is a revelation
not one cicada
sounds the same

a butterfly sitting
by me admiring
something I lose

myself on such lightness
I use to tell children
to stop and to listen to

the songs of
butterflies as
they nodded back

This poem, written in 2014, is from the collection California Notebooks 01, click on the title if interested in your own copy.