Tag Archives: meditation

The Forever Land



in the forever land

where we land with no bones

nor clothes there

is it forever night

or forever day


can we hope for

a tomorrow where there is no

sunrise or sundown

or we being everywhere

will be forever


or we being forever now

can expect to be

everywhere blinded

to the light or

to the darkness


Poesia + Poem On Paralisys



io giaccio

senza gambe e senza tronco

un albero

tagliato e gettato al suolo di

un letto

d’ospedale bianco tra nuvole



I lie

without legs or torso

a tree severed

thrown to the bottom of

an hospital bed

white among clouds





I don’t know

if that silence

and its beauty

will always be with me

what I know is

that it taste



maybe this solitude

so deeply loved as it

comes with silence

is here to teach me

that one taste can

be everywhere





I don’t know

if that silence

and its beauty

will always be with me

what I know is

that it taste



maybe this solitude

so deeply loved as it

comes with silence

is here to teach me

that one taste can

be everywhere





I don’t know

if that silence

and its beauty

will always be with me

what I know is

that it taste



maybe this solitude

so deeply loved as it

comes with silence

is here to teach me

that one taste can

be everywhere





I don’t know

if that silence

and its beauty

will always be with me

what I know is

that it taste



maybe this solitude

so deeply loved as it

comes with silence

is here to teach me

that one taste can

be everywhere


Post Tenebras Lux



time goes by with no stopping

sliding doors of death

opening and closing at each


passing I try to grasp

those words attached as


tiny light in darkness

coloring the pitch hues

of me trapped in sickness


Frozen Are My Lips



frozen are my lips

in a January twilight’s

one of many still ones

silent and clear

as crystal drops

suspended all around

are the words of

the poem dancing

around my head

waiting to be seen

heard and repeated

from the heart frozen

are my fingertips

as poetry melts my

life of many pages



The Poetic Space Revised



wondering if sickness

is the absence of peace

or better is it the noise of pain


all over or in a specific

place the deterrent of poetry


the confusion it carries

severing us from my own idea

of the poetic space
