Tag Archives: being

How Often We Forget


how often we forget
it is us revolving
around the sun

we sit contemplating
in our living room
the shadows changing

how often we forget
we are mirrors
of others attitudes

we point the finger
pick up a part to act
just impersonating

how often we forget
to simply be a simple
word being thank you

no chats about the sun
moving raising setting
telling ourselves truths




This poem is included in the bilingual collection California Notebooks 01. Click on the title for info.


Islands Do Float



after decades spent
in the seriousness of being
pondering judging achieving

fastening my seat belt
to the land of lightness
where islands do float

as all my thoughts
in enchanted bliss
here silently I’m





This poem appears in the first volume of the “California Notebooks”.





may my smile
be forever loving
as I play in life

new roles and adjust
words as a tight dress

may wind clothe me
forever changing
just that loving smile

let that one survive






A. Mosca Desert velo rosa deserto IMG_4706


This poem appears in the first volume of the “California Notebooks”.

Measures from The London Hours



something to do with measures
to others the length
of my despair whether is
it by nature, mine
or a not understanding of facts

of the jokes
among men, their secret bets
their sudden shoulders

and all was lived
and built, all that had an essence

to dust them off
to cough them up
it’s all forgotten
at once.

I don’t seem
to understand other’s
measures, the sense of
their steps, it’s long
far from me.



IMG_3776 copy


From the collection of The London Hours, 2012.



The Route Of The Skies



I remember well

the route of the skies

I may be on clouds


as you said


I may not need

to tread on soiled

divorced paths


the air is thin above

and the view is fine

I wish my wings back






This poem written in 2013 was published here on 22 January 2014 https://annamosca.com/2014/01/22/california-notebooks-dec-2013-4/ and is now part of the Collection “Silent”.



On Being From The California Notebooks 2016



when my words
surfacing out of
poetry define
who am I
I cry

I also
rejoice and
stand still as
if suspended
all at the same

time holding
that tiny particle
of truth inside me
that shining in spite
of me



2015-03-24 08.47.25





Places From The California Notebooks 2015


I know some
tongues that aren’t even

tongues languages
of a heaven I don’t recall

learning but I own
I may be foolish not

to practice but is that
a requirement

how do I go back to
that country where

the horizon doesn’t lay
where each drop is

gold filling up
the atmosphere

where we met where
I met myself where

I was where
I am today



2013-10-25 18.02.05


